​English Coach

Pham Huong - IELTS
Usually, we’re not aware of what we are capable of; therefore, in terms of education, we need to search for a kind of teacher who can see what we cannot see in ourselves, then help us to explore that “thing”. And, Uyen is that kind of teacher.
Uyen has her own method, which she customizes case by case, and I have to say it is privilege. She’s not going to start with making you learn by heart a wide range of “high-end” vocabulary or complicated structures. She is gonna utilize what you have already got, which makes pretty much sense to me.
Uyen will help you to recognize your strengths, your improving points, your beliefs about English, your mental blocks, etc. Realizing those things is not only so valuable for an English learner but also a key for all life-long learners. And those keys are not inherited from anyone else but are ignited within your own self with her support.
Moreover, Uyen is a super strong critical thinker (could be one of the bests I have ever met). I highly recommend that you take all opportunities to learn that skill from her. With that critical mindset, she will help you handle Writing Task 2 (and all the IELTS tasks) smoothly, you will definitely feel that the way to get there become much easier.
Last but really not least, she is so creative! Her ideas and thoughts never stop amazing me. Every lesson is made with enthusiasm, excitement, and uniqueness. All you need to do is to prepare yourself, be open, be humble and let her lead the show.
Oh, but remember, she is good; therefore, she has her own rules. She believes that learning is your duty, she is just the one who supports you to achieve your goals. You have to try your best for the sake of your learning, and let her to support you!
Good luck with your journey!